My Roles:
- 3D Animator, Cinematographer, Lighting, Rendering, Texturing and Composition.
Software Used:
- Maya, Arnold and Premiere Pro.
The Production of the Film:
In 2022, I, along with my class at our university,y were assigned a project to create an animated film trailer based on the topic of "Strange Encounters". In the first half, I acted alone, creating "Hunted" (Animatic and production can be seen here). However, my project was unsuccessful in being selected by my lecturers.
So I was drafted into a group with my classmates to adapt an animatic into a finished animated trailer. 
The project was called "Within", and it was selected as well as led by their trio of original creators, aka my classmates: Oscar, Jack and Max, along with two other colleagues.
As a group of six people, we set out to create the trailer, while following the pipeline, from animation production to animating, rendering and editing.
Surprisingly, we all got on really well and remained dedicated to making sure the final trailer see the light of day, which we accomplished together.
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