The animated film stars Zack Cooper, a red-haired, recent graduate and junior animator who is trying to reach the animation studio that he has just been hired at, which is in Sheppard's Bush. He takes a train from the Stratford station at 7 am in the early morning and the train heads into a tunnel.
Inside the train, Zack begins to work on his laptop to pass the time, but something mysterious occurs within the interior of the train he's boarding.
What could it be?
My Roles:
- Director, Original Creator, Character Designer, Cinematographer, 3D Animator, Modeler, 2D Background Artist, Art Direction, Editing, Sound and Script.
Software Used:
- Maya, Blender, Arnold, Cinema 4D, Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro and After Effects.
The Production of the Film:
The Production of his film began at the start of my final year at university and everyone was given the choice as to which format we wanted to develop as our graduation project. Easily, I chose to develop my short film, since I've been aiming to direct an animated film, of course the question was what would the film be about?
Then it hit me, that I decided to create a story where my protagonist goes on a train journey and is interrupted by a surreal experience that helps him grow as a character at the end of the film. The idea of setting the story within a train station and subway was inspired by my experiences of always travelling in the underground trains across London, therefore making the experience for Zack within the film feel authentic.
Since everyone was off doing their own thing, developing this film by myself had its setbacks considering how time-consuming it was to complete and submit within six months. For this film, I took on all the roles seen above this page.