The Animatic stars Samson Vergil, a new student who has just started his first day at high school. When he enters the environment, he starts to notice things are not what they appear from perspective as all of his classmates appear as bandaged beings that are staring him down. This is all caused by a spirit that represents his inner insecurities and anxiety that corrupts Vergil to view his classmates that way. Overwhelmed, Vergil attempts to escape from this, the question is will that help him?
My Roles:
- Director, Original Creator, Character Design, Script, Cinematography and Editing.
Software Used:
- Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro and Procreate.
The Production:
This was the first animatic that I had created, so I wanted to get things right for the storytelling as this was an assignment I received within my narrative module in university.
When it came to brainstorming the narrative, I wanted to create an experience that perhaps could benefit from my experiences but in an interesting way. So it came to me, that I take my experiences of having an awkward first day in high school.
As for the themes, I wanted to incorporate topics such as dealing with anxiety, isolation, insecurity, lack of communication and connection as they were things that I felt could make the narrative feel real and relatable.
When designing Vergil, I wanted to create an ordinary student in a more casual attire, with a near expressionless face which I took inspiration from Robert Valley's design of Mike Chilton (the protagonist of Motorcity).